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dc.contributor.advisorHaryadi, Yadi
dc.contributor.advisorHastarini, Ema
dc.contributor.authorRosulva, Indah
dc.description.abstractPeeled off shrimp is usually sold at supermarkets and displayed at an air conditioned equipped with lights. This condition causes the temperature of display room increase more than 10 °C from its initial temperature (-1.6 °C), therefore the products presented will suffer a quality degradation. Edible coating can be applied as a packaging to protect shrimps from any damage during storage, to extend the storage period and maintain products’ quality. Besides chitosan, the extract of fruit of lindur plant (that belongs to mangrove group) is suggested as have preservative and antimicrobial activities. In the present study, edible coating was formulated using a combination of chitosan (0 %, 1 %, 2 %) and lindur fruit extract (0 %, 1 %, 2 %). The study was conducted in two phases, there are introduction phase ( includes chemical analysis of fruit and flour lindur , characterization of chitosan (degree of deacetylation), making lindur flour, making of lindur extract, and analysis of antimicrobial activity. Primary Research Series using Black Tiger shrimp (includes TVB analysis, pH, TPC and hedonic sensory (color, aroma, texture and over-all) at 1 day and 7 days storage. Secondary Research Series using vannamei shrimp (includes TVB analysis, pH, TPC, Organoleptic Quality (texture, appearance and aroma of cooked and raw shrimp and flavor of cooked shrimp), Texture by Texture Profile Analyzer, and color analysis at 1 day , 4 days and 7 days storage . In experiments with the Black Tiger shrimp, edible coating from extracts lindur 1 % without chitosan (K0L1) and extract lindur 2 % without chitosan (K0L2 ) capable significantly lowering the pH value, TPC, and TVB compared with controls. Meanwhile, in experiments with shrimp Vannamei, edible coating from extracts lindur 2 % without chitosan (K0L2) capable of significantly lowering the pH value , TPC, and TVB peeled shrimp compared to controls on the storage 10 °C for 7 days. Physical parameters of color, texture and organoleptic characteristics of appearance, odor, texture, flavor and hedonic parameters also significantly different to the control parameters. The combination of chitosan and extracts lindur proved less than optimal in maintaining the microbiological parameters, physical parameters, and organoleptic parameters on peeled shrimp. I,oThis study demonstrated that lindur’s extract can be an alternative as antibacterial materials and it is effective as a natural preservative for peeled shrimp.en
dc.titleApplication of Edible Coating Bases Extract of Lindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) and Chitosan on Peeled Off Shrimpen
dc.subject.keywordedible coatingsen
dc.subject.keywordlindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)en
dc.subject.keywordpeeled off shrimpen

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