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dc.contributor.advisorAbdullah, Luki
dc.contributor.authorHartono, Hari
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to obtain information about the type and quality of forage and concentrate feed ingredients in Lembang KPSBU during dry and rainy seasons. This information will be used as a basis for livestock rations formulation according to need and availability of the feed. Identification the type and quality of feed used was conducted through survey (interview and field observation) while nutrient quality were measured using the proximate analysis, mineral and digestibility in vitro. T-test was used to compare the quality of the forage in the dry season and the rainy season. Type of forage used were napier grass, field grass, agricultural waste such as straw and cabbage waste. While type of concentrate used were KPSBU concentrate, tofu waste, brewery waste and pollard. Nutrient quality of forage in the rainy season is better than the dry season. Based on nutrient content and requierment ration have been formulated from 12% teki grass, Taiwan grass 48%, 5% cassava pomace, PA Tofu waste 15% and 20% concentrate KPSBU which contained 33.37% dry matter, 14.89% PK, 24.89% SK, 64.27% TDN, 0.20% Ca and 0.21% P.en
dc.titleJenis dan Kualitas Nutrisi Pakan di Peternakan Rakyat Lembang Bandung Utara sebagai Dasar Penyusunan Formulasi Ransumen
dc.subject.keywordfeed nutritionen
dc.subject.keywordfeed formulationen

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