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dc.contributor.advisorRifin, Amzul
dc.contributor.authorSaleh, Bayu
dc.description.abstractADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN makes a partnership with farmers especially farmers in Cikarang village, in developing commodity of crystal guava. A partnership who lived is coaching and facilitation from ADC to farmers so that farmers can participate in the supply chain of modern markets and not merely a business partnership between suppliers (farmers) with buyers (ADC) (Muflikh 2012). The problem that happens is the whole of crystal guava farmers in Cikarang are trained farmers of ADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN, but in marketing their products, not all farmers sell crystal guava to ADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN. Farmers choose to use other marketing channels besides ADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN, such as: traders (broker) and traditional retailers. This case causes demand crystal guava from modern markets are not met. Therefore , research is needed to determine level of efficiency and difference in 2 channel marketing. This study used qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualititative analysis is used to determine agencies, functions, structure and market behavior. Quantitative analysis is used to determine the operational efficiency of marketing by the marketing margin value, farmer's share and ratio of benefit over cost and paired t-test. Based on the results of marketing channel ADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN has the lowest margin value on channel 2 pattern that is Rp5 000 and has highest farmer's share that are 54.74 and 54.54 % in the pattern of channels 1 and 2. While marketing channel non ADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN has largest ratio on 5 channel pattern is that is 5.49 which means for every 1 rupiah was spent as marketing costs will result benefits 5.49 rupiah. Paired t-test against the costs, benefits and B/C ratio indicates there is no difference that significant between average cost, profit and B/C ratio between marketing channel of ADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN and non ADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN.en
dc.titlePerbandingan Saluran Pemasaran Jambu Kristal Melalui ADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN dan Non ADC IPB-ICDF TAIWAN di Desa Cikarawang Kecamatan Dramaga Kabupaten Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordmarketing efficiencyen
dc.subject.keywordguava crystal’s marketingen
dc.subject.keywordADC IPB-ICDF TAIWANen

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