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dc.contributor.advisorPandjaitan, Nurmala K
dc.contributor.authorZabila, Nadia
dc.description.abstractFood security is very strategic and important. Meanwhile, many households are still unable to realize the food availability in terms of its quality and nutrition level. The government has attempted to address this issue through Food Variety Acceleration Program (P2KP) by empowering groups of women to optimize their courtyards as a source of household food. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the intensity of P2KP extension agent communication with the perception of women farmers on the activities of Optimizing Courtyard Utilization (OPP) and the relationship between the perception and the participation level. The result showed the women farmers perceived that the method and the P2KP extension agent only made the respondents interested and motivated. The extension agent were considered being unaware of the real needs and problems facing KWT. The material given was quite good despite its irrelevance to the needs. The participation of women farmers in OPP activities was relatively low. There was a correlation between the intensity of P2KP extension agent communication and the perception of women farmers in this activity. However, the correlation was evident only in the aspects of the main objective and the benefits of OPP. No correlation was found between the perception and the participation level in the activity.en
dc.titlePersepsi dan Partisipasi Wanita Tani dalam Kegiatan Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Pekarangan (OPP) P2KPen
dc.subject.keywordintensity of communication and extension agent.en
dc.subject.keywordfood securityen

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