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dc.contributor.advisorMutia, Rita
dc.contributor.advisorAmrullah, Ibnu Katsir
dc.contributor.authorPriningrum, Vinsensia Cres
dc.description.abstractSorgum is an energy sources which is highly potential to develop. It has low carotene level, so it has to be balanced by adding carotene in the feed meal. Cassava leaf meal is a kind of forages which has high carotene level 154mg kg-1. This research aimed to study the effect of White Sorgum as corn subtitution with cassava leaves meal combination on the quality and vitamin A of Japanese Quail Egg. This observations used completely randomized design with five treatment and three repetition (10 eggs/repetition). The treatments are control (P1), 50% sorgum + cassava leaves meal 0% (P2), 50% sorgum + cassava leaves meal 1.5% (P3), 50% sorgum + cassava leaves meal 3% (P4), 50% sorgum + cassava leaves meal 4.5% (P5). It is concluded that sorgum and cassava leafs meal were able to increase egg weight, yolk color, albumin weight, haugh unit, and vitamin A level.en
dc.titleSubstitusi Jagung dengan Sorgum yang Ditambahkan Tepung Daun Singkong terhadap Kualitas Telur Puyuhen
dc.subject.keywordvitamin Aen
dc.subject.keywordquail eggen
dc.subject.keywordegg qualityen
dc.subject.keywordcassava leaves mealen

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