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dc.contributor.advisorRetnani, Yuli
dc.contributor.advisorDiapari, Didid
dc.contributor.authorLukitasari, Cindi
dc.description.abstractVegetable waste is one of the alternative feed that can be used because of availability in abundance and has a high nutrient content. This research was conducted to determine the performance of sheep fed by vegetable waste such as cauliflower leaves, beans sprout waste and corn husk. The experimental design used in this research was Randomized Complete Design with 3 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were P1 (60% forages + 40% feed containing cauliflower leaves), P2 (60% forages + 40% feed containing beans sprout waste), and P3 (60% forages + 40% feed containing corn husk). Parameters observed in this experiment included feed consumption, daily body weight gain, and feed efficiency. The results showed that the treatment gave a significant effect (P<0.05) for daily body weight gain and dry matter consumtion. Feeding containing cauliflower leaves gave the best result on the value of feed efficiency and Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC). Sheep were given by feed containing cauliflower leaves produced a high body weight gain of 134.29 g head-1 day-1en
dc.titlePerforma Domba Ekor Tipis (Ovis aries) dengan Pemberian Pakan yang Mengandung Limbah Sayuran Pasaren
dc.subject.keywordvegetable wasteen
dc.subject.keywordthin tailed sheepen
dc.subject.keyworddaily weight gainen

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