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dc.contributor.advisorKusnandar, Feri
dc.contributor.advisorBudijanto, Slamet
dc.contributor.authorNoviasari, Santi
dc.description.abstractDevelopment of rice analogues is one of the alternatives to support diversification program. Rice analogues is an artificial rice, shaped like rice grains and can be made from non-rice flours. One of rice analogues raw materials is corn. Corn is second carbohydrate source after rice and contain high level protein (7-12%). The utilization of white corn pulut harapan variety that contain low amylose and lokal variety white corn that contain moderate level of amylose is aimed to produce rice analogues with not too pera and sticky texture. Sorghum and soy flour are also used to develop rice analogues as functional food. Sorghum contains high protein (11.61%) and high fiber (4.09%). Soy flour contains high protein (above 35%) and low glycemic index (GI = 21). Extrusion technology was used to produce rice analogues because of the process effectiveness and because it produces rice analogues that is similar to conventional rice. The purpose of this study were: (1) to characterize the raw materials, (2) to obtain the best rice analogues formulation, physicochemical properties, and sensory quality, (3) to produce rice analogues from white corn and sorghum with the addition of soy flour, and (4) to analyze the glycemic index of rice analogues. The study was conducted in several stages: (1) preparation and characterization of raw materials, (2) formulation of rice analogues from white corn and determination the best composition of the ingredients, (3) evaluation of glycemic index of selected rice analogues. The best rice analogues formula based on the sensory test was composed of pulut and local corn (4.3% : 65.7%) and sago starch 30%. Its containing 5.35% dietary fiber so it can be used as a food source of dietary fiber. Rice analogues from white corn and sorghum raw material and soy flour potential as a functional food because were resistant starch (2.59% - 3.31%), total phenol (0.18 – 0.25 mg GAE/g sampel) and it can be used as a food source of dietary fiber (5.35% – 6.14%). Rice analogues from white corn raw material (JP) and white corn and soy flour (JPK) raw materials were selected for glycemic index test. The analysis results of JP and JPK formulation respectively were resistant starch 2.59% and 3.28%, total phenol 0.24 mg GAE/g sampel and 0.25 mg GAE/g sampel, total dietary fiber 5.35% and 5.84%. Glycemic index of JP rice analogues was 69 while JPK rice analogues was 50.en
dc.titleDevelopment of Rice Analogues from White Corn, Sorghum and Soy and Its Potential as a Functional Fooden
dc.subject.keywordRice analoguesen
dc.subject.keywordwhite cornen

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