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dc.contributor.advisorFariyanti, Anna
dc.contributor.authorManik, Harry Setiyadi Ginting
dc.description.abstractCatfish (Pangasius hypophtalmus) hatchery is an important factor in the existence of the Siamese catfish (Pangasius hypophtalmus). The average of production seed was produced by ELMINARI Fish Culture during 13 months from January 2012 until Januari 2013 is 338.900 seed. That production considerably lower which 13- 14 broodstock was spawning every period production flybow at about 1.000.000 flybow. This condition show that ELMINARI Fish Culture had risk was suffered. The aim of this study to know kinds and source of risk in ELMINARI Fish Culture, analyzing probability and impact risk whith source of risk production in the catfish hatchery and analyzing the handling strategies that can be undertaken by EFC to control the source of risk in the production of hatchery activities. Result show that any risk of impact experienced significant revenue. Suggestions made in this study is expected to help with the risk faced by owners ELMINARI Fish Culture.en
dc.titleAnalisis Risiko Produksi Benih Ikan Patin Siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus) pada Elminari Fish Culture (EFC) di Desa Kondang Kecamatan Ciampea Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.keywordrisk siamese catfish hatcheriesen

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