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Pemodelan Kuantitatif Penanganan Risiko Pasokan dan Mutu pada Rantai Pasok Tanaman Hias Mini

dc.contributor.advisorDjatna, Taufik
dc.contributor.advisorYuliasih, Indah
dc.contributor.authorNastiti, Muslimah Ummy
dc.description.abstractMini floricultures are agricultural commodities that have high economic value, especially if that are produced in unique forms such as parcels, souvenirs and others. This plants can be damaged or decrease in quality since its products enjoyed by consumers in the form of live or fresh products. This thesis contains quantitative models for mitigation of supply and quality risk of mini floricultures which can be used to solve the problems of risk in agro commodities. Stages in this study were identification and analysis of risks of supply and quality of mini floricultures using fuzzy failure mode and effect analysis (fuzzy FMEA) to acquire a risk profile, and then to design models for risk mitigation of supply and quality in mini floricultures supply chain. Primary members of the supply chain consists of Ciapus and Lembang farmers as floriculture’s suppliers, Rumah Teduh Green Souvenir as an industry, and customers in general are event organizers, hotels, offices, public, individual and so on. Products of Rumah Teduh are economical and exclusive souvenirs, parcels, pot scapings dan dishplants. Secondary members of the supply chain are the other farmers that have specific floricultures (that are not owned by Lembang and Ciapus farmers) as well as suppliers of packaging material such as mica, pot (plastic and ceramic), baskets, the sand for accessories, zeolit stones dan other materials. Handling product quality of mini plants conducted from handling quality of plants at the farmer up the handling quality of processes and products at the industry level. Handling quality of plants at farmers aim to produce plants with desired standards and criteria by the industry which are plants have attractive shapes and colors, can display a mini form with about 10 cm tall plants, plants look lush, plant growth is relatively slow, easy maintenance, relatively resistant in conditions of Jakarta nature, pest-resistant, and easy packaging. The results showed that the risks priorities to be addressed in Ciapus farmer were climate/weather disruption, damage to and deterioration of seeds / plants at the reception, the limitations of seedling, floricultures and cultivation facilities, lack of capital, dan shortage of stocks and supplies of mini plants, whereas in Lembang farmer, the risks priorities to be addressed were the lack of capital, attack of pests and plant diseases, damage and deterioration during seed breeding, and climate/weather disruption. The supply and quality risks in the industry level priorities to be addressed were the change in the number of requests, increasing the number of orders unexpectedly, the high price of packaging, overlapping processes for different customers, shortage of supplies of floricultures and auxiliary materials, and manpower shortages. Quantitative models for mitigation of supply and quality risk of mini floriculture were built to minimize risk by maximizing the fulfillment of product demand and minimizing production costs, so as to maximize profits. Efforts to meet the demand of the products were done by ensuring the availability of supplies of raw and auxiliary materials, ie by minimizing production costs and optimizing existing resources, so that the risks of the supply and quality of the products can be handled well. Completion of the model results indicate that the optimal production of 1.250 units souvenir per order and 25 units parcel per order will benefit the industry by Rp 16.250.000,00. The optimal production can be able to ensure the availability and supply of floricultures as well as ensuring the quality of products produced by utilizing the available resources efficiently and effectively.en
dc.titleQuantitative Modeling for Mitigation of Supply and Quality Risk on Mini Floriculturesen
dc.titlePemodelan Kuantitatif Penanganan Risiko Pasokan dan Mutu pada Rantai Pasok Tanaman Hias Mini
dc.subject.keywordmini floriculture supply chainen
dc.subject.keywordsupply and quality risken
dc.subject.keywordfuzzy failure mode and effect analysis (fuzzy FMEAen
dc.subject.keywordmulti objective programmingen

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