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dc.contributor.advisorSatoto, Kukuh Budi
dc.contributor.advisorKhotijah, Lilis
dc.contributor.authorPujiawati, Yusti
dc.description.abstractA study was conducted using sheep to observe and to evaluate the quality of ration with different sunflower seed oil on digestibility nutrients and milk composition. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments, ie P0 (without the addition of sunflower seed oil or control), P1 (the addition of sunflower seed oil at 2%), P2 (the addition of sunflower seed oil at 4%), P3 (the addition of sunflower oil at 6%) and 3 replications. The data obtained from the study were analyzed using analysis of variance (Analysis of Variance/ANOVA) and when the result of the analysis showed significant differences, it will be followed by Ortogonal Polynomial Test. The result showed that the treatments did not significantly effect (P>0.05) nutrient digestibility, total digestibility nutrient, absorpstion minerals (Ca and P) and milk composition. The treatments significantly effect (P<0.01) fat intake. The addition of 6% sunflower oil has not affected the digestibility of nutrients and milk compositionen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectsunflower seed oilen
dc.subjectmilk compositionen
dc.subjectdigestibility nutrientsen
dc.titlePenambahan Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari pada Ransum Induk Domba terhadap Kecernaan Zat Makanan dan Komposisi susu.en

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