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dc.contributor.advisorLaconi, Erika Budiarti
dc.contributor.advisorJayanegara, Anuraga
dc.contributor.authorSyahri, Aunur Rochman
dc.description.abstractCholesterol is a fat component that acts as a precursor of bile acids and synthesized in the liver. High cholesterol in human often causes problems for health. The aim of this research was to examinethe potency of Phaleria macrocarpa extract in lowering cholesterol level of broilers. One hundred eighty DOC of broilers were randomly assigned to six dietary treatments with three replications, consisted of ten broilers in each replicate. The treatments were: Control, 10% phaleria extract, 12% phaleria extract, 14% phaleria extract, 16% phaleria extract, and 18% phaleria extract in drinking water. Parameters observed at the end of the study (31 days of age) were feed consumption, body weight, feed conversion and cholesterol level in broiler meat. Analysis of variance was carried out to determine the effect of the treatments. Further test used was least significant difference (LSD) test. The result showed that addition of phaleria extract in the ration provided a better effect to reduce cholesterol levels. The average cholesterol meat produced in addition phaleria extract at 10%-18% levels has decreased by 88.11 mg 100g-1 or about 72.4%. This shows the addition of phaleria extract in drinking water can lowered broiler meat cholesterolsen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePotensi Sari Buah Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) dalam Menurunkan Kolesterol Ayam Pedagingen

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