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dc.contributor.advisorAmanah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Intan Endawaty Kencana
dc.description.abstractImproving dynamics of farmer groups can be supported by various factors, includes the characteristics of the group members, the Gapoktan programs, and the leadership effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of the members, analyze what programs are implemented, analyze the level of effectiveness of Gapoktan, and the relationship with the dynamic level of the farmer group members of Gapoktan. There are three farmers groups in this studied, named Mekar Sejahtera, Mekar wangi, and Harapan Sejahtera. The technique used in this study are quantitative and qualitative. The result show that amongst the three farmers groups. The differences in terms of their speciality, horticulture (Mekar Sejahtera), processing the holticulture products (Mekar Wangi),, and rice fields (Harapan Sejahtera). However, from the corelation test shows that there is no correlation between the characteristics of member, the Gapoktan programs, and the effectiveness of leadership with the dynamic level of the farmer group members of Gapoktan.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectthe dynamic level of the farmer groupen
dc.subjectthe leadership effectivenessen
dc.subjectGapoktan programsen
dc.subjectthe characteristics of the group memberen
dc.titleEfektivitas Kepemimpinan Gapoktan Mekar Sejahtera dalam Peningkatan Kedinamisan Kelompok Tani di Desa Cipelang Bogoren

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