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dc.contributor.advisorKusnadi, Nunung
dc.contributor.authorCempaka, Dessy Ratna
dc.description.abstractThis study was aimed to analyze vegetable farming system, income rates and its contribution to household income. Data were analyzed with descriptive method, farm income analysis and R/C ratio. The result showed that income of large farmers were greater than small farmers. Contribution of income of large farmers was 82.70 percent of the total of farmer income with R/C ratio 2.26. Contribution of income of small farmers was 64.59 percent of the total of farmer income with R/C ratio 1.85. The R/C ratio indicates that vegetable farming were efficient. From the share of vegetable income can be concluded that vegetable are the main source to total household income in Panundaan Villageen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectR/C analysisen
dc.subjectfarm income analysisen
dc.titleAnalisis Pendapatan Usahatani Sayuran di Desa Panundaan, Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Baraten

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