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dc.contributor.advisorNirmala, Kukuh
dc.contributor.advisorHastuti, Yuni Puji
dc.contributor.authorHidayah, Ulfatul
dc.description.abstractThe production of Nile Tilapia and Channel Catfish increase every year. The purpose of this study was to quantify the value of DHL in media and fish body’s, getting isoosmotic medium to juvenils life and to know it’s effect on growth and survival rate juvenils. This research consist of two phases, the major study was to measure the electrical conductivity of media and the fish body’s, and the second experiment was to cultivated Nile Tilapia and Channel Catfish for 20 days. The results showed that there was a positive correlation between DHL with salinity. Based on preliminary research, retrieved value approached isoosmotic for Nile Tilapia ranged from 5,30 mS/cm to 5,95 mS/cm, while for Channel Catfish ranged from 6,20 mS/cm to 6,35 mS cm or on 4 ppt salinity. Based on major research found that DHL can affect the growth and survival rate for juvenils significantly (P<0,05), for Nile Tilapia survival rate reached 97,5% and the Channel Catfish had a high growth rate is 5,30%/day.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePenentuan Kondisi Isoosmotik Benih Ikan Nila Oreochromis Niloticus dan Patin Pangasius sp. Berdasarkan Gradien Daya Hantar Listrik (DHL) Media dan Tubuh Ikan.en

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