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dc.contributor.advisorSudrajat, Agus Oman
dc.contributor.advisorArfah, Harton
dc.contributor.authorQonitah, Ardila Mar’atun
dc.description.abstractInduction of gonadal maturation with eyestalk ablation was commonly technique used in the production of shrimp seed. unfortunately, eyestalk ablation technique opposed by animal lovers with issues of animal welfare. In this research, hormonal induction for gonadal maturation of white shrimp was done as an effort to replace the ablation technique. Hormonal induction performed using hormonal pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG), recombinant growth hormone (rGH), and antidopamin, which was given through the diet for 14 days. Shrimp got a treat: A. 40 IU PMSG/kg shrimp + 0.01 mg antidopamin/kg shrimp; B. 80 IU PMSG/kg + 0.02 mg antidopamin shrimp/kg shrimp; C. 40 IU PMSG/kg shrimp + 0.01 mg antidopamin/kg shrimp + 0.1 mg rGH/kg shrimp; D. 80 IU PMSG/kg shrimp + 0.02 mg antidopamin/kg shrimp + 0.1 mg rGH / kg shrimp; E. Ablation; and F. Control, where each treatment consisted of 15 shrimp. Results showed that shrimp fed treatment B gave the best results among hormone treatments where shrimp can mature gonads from day 14 to the total shrimp mature gonads by 47% up to day 28. On shrimp given treatment C and D tend to have weight fecundity and growth hormone treatment was higher than other woods. However, ablated shrimp begin to mature gonads at day 7 with total shrimp mature gonads was 93%. Recombinant growth hormone has effect on the growth of shrimp weight (P<0.05). Giving PMSG and antidopamin can stimulate gonadal maturation of shrimp. The addition of the combination hormone rGH and antidopamin PMSG can increase fecundity and weight of shrimp broodstock. PMSG and antidopamin can be substitute ablation technique in inducing gonadal maturation in shrimp.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectwhite shrimpen
dc.subjectgonad maturationen
dc.titleRekayasa Hormonal pada Udang Vaname Selama 14 Hari sebagai Pengganti Teknik Ablasi Mata dalam Usaha Percepatan Pematangan Gonaden

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