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dc.contributor.advisorPriatna, Wahyu Budi
dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Taufik
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is the country with the largest Moslems population in the world with 205 million of Moslems. United Nation said that the country will be able to build its economy if it has the amount of entrepreneurs as much as 2% of the population. But, unfortunately Indonesia still has not reached the number. On the other hand, the agribusiness sector in Indonesia has a great potential and plays an important role in the development of the national economy. However, this sector still has not been much developed. This problem may be caused by many entrepreneurs who do activities in agribusiness is not halal, might include criminality and not blessed by Allah SWT. The objectives of this research are to analyze the entrepreneur’s characteristic and management practice in Islamic perspective also its relationships to success of agribusiness. Phenomenology is a method which tries to capture the Muslim entrepreneur activities and their management practice. There were three entrepreneurs selected for the case studies. The results of the study showed that they have Islamic characteristics, such as siddiq, amanah, fatanah and talbligh. They have implemented Islamic management of agribusiness in their enterprises. They also have got success of agribusiness based on Islamic value and agribusiness development. There are positive relationships between Islamic entrepreneur characteristics and management practices and their success of agribusiness.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectManagement Practicesen
dc.subjectIslamic Perspectiveen
dc.subjectEntrepreneur’s Characteristicsen
dc.titleKarakteristik Wirausaha dan Praktek Manajemen Berperspektif Islam serta Hubunganya terhadap Kesuksesan Agribisnis (Kasus Tiga Wirausaha di Kabupaten Bogor dan Sukabumi)en

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