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dc.contributor.advisorTinaprilla, Netti
dc.contributor.authorHazairina, Rosalyn
dc.description.abstractRabbits have a great potential to be developed because these animals have the ability to growth and have very rapid development. Rabbits have a high biological potency, the high reproducibility, fast breeding, short birth intervals, high prolification, and easy to maintenance and do not require large tracts of land. The purpose of this study is to analyze and identify the factors of production that could affect production and livestock production risks of rabbits and analyze the factors of production used in influencing the risk of rabbits reproduction. To analyze these factors using a GARCH (1,1) because it can accommodate as well as estimate the production function of the average (mean production function) and variance (variance production function). The results showed that the average production function which are significant variables, ie variables broodstock, forage feed, feed concentrates, feed, and medicine as they are on the level of less than one percent. While in the variance function, the significant variables are variables breeders, feed concentrates, and labor. The influence of these variables in the production function of the average, ie variable broodstock, forage feed and concentrate feed, the more we use it will increase production, while for drugs variable the effect is vice versa. Influence of these variables in the variance function, ie three variables showed a negative parameter sign that more and more use of these three variables will reduce production risk.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectGARCH (1,1)en
dc.titleAnalisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Risiko Produksi Ternak Kelinci (Studi Kasus Kelinci Hias di Desa Gunung Mulya, Kabupaten Bogor)en

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