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dc.contributor.authorRiswandy, Wiggo Windi
dc.description.abstractTomato is one of the leading commodities in Indonesia which has economic and strategic value. The fluctuating price of tomato and high marketing margin make the farmer's share value is relatively small. Therefore, the research of efficiency in tomato marketing is needed in order to provide tomato marketing comprehensively. The objectives of this research were (1) to identify the marketing channels, institutions, functions and market structure of tomato marketing, and (2) to analyze the operational efficiency of tomato marketing with marketing margin approach, farmer's share, and benefit-cost ratio. The observations and interviews were conducted to farmers in Gekbrong village by purposive sampling method, while the method of snowball sampling was conducted to marketing institutions. The result showed that there were 4 marketing channels with different institutions, functions, and market structure on every channel. In general, the analysis of operational efficiency showed that all of the marketing channels had not been efficient. This condition was primarily seen at the inequity price that were suffered by farmers who had weak bargaining powers. Moreover, the pricing mechanism made farmers became price takers. Therefore, the role of government was required to support the role of farmer groups in order to attain the efficiency of tomato marketingen
dc.description.abstractTomat merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan Indonesia yang menghasilkan nilai ekonomis dan strategis. Harga tomat yang fluktuatif dan marjin tataniaga yang cukup besar membuat nilai farmer’s share menjadi relatif kecil. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan penelitian mengenai efisiensi tataniaga tomat untuk mengetahui gambaran tataniaga tomat secara komprehensif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi saluran, fungsi, lembaga, dan struktur pasar pada sistem tataniaga tomat, serta menganalisis efisiensi operasional tataniaga tomat dengan pendekatan marjin tataniaga, farmer’s share, dan rasio keuntungan terhadap biaya. Pengamatan dan wawancara dilakukan kepada petani di Desa Gekbrong dengan metode purposive sampling, sedangkan metode snowball sampling dilakukan kepada lembaga tataniaga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 4 saluran tataniaga dengan lembaga, fungsi, dan struktur pasar yang berbeda pada setiap salurannya. Secara umum, analisis efisiensi operasional menyatakan bahwa semua saluran tataniaga tomat belum efisien. Kondisi ini terlihat terutama dari ketidakadilan harga pada petani yang posisi tawarnya lemah. Selain itu dalam mekanisme penentuan harga petani hanya bertindak sebagai penerima harga. Oleh karena itu, peran pemerintah sangat diperlukan dalam mendukung peran kelompok tani untuk mencapai efisiensi tataniaga tomat.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecttomato marketingen
dc.subjectgekbrong villageen
dc.subjectfarmer’s shareen
dc.titleTataniaga tomat di Desa Gekbrong, Kecamatan Gekbrong, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Baraten

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