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dc.contributor.advisorTambunan, Armansyah H.
dc.contributor.authorSipangkar, Johannes Ferdi Frans
dc.description.abstractAbsorption refrigeration system LiBr-H2O is an alternative refrigeration system to substitute vapor-compression refrigeration system, which has negative impact to environment and using mechanical energy for its operation. However, the absoption refrigeration system still needs thermal energy to regenerate the refrigerant from its absorber. The purposes of this study is to study the performance of reverse osmosis membrane to regenerate refrigerant H2O from the LiBr-H2O in absorption refrigeration system and to calculate the COP of the system. The experiment was conducted intermittently, where regeneration and refrigeration process occured separately. The study uses 3 level of LiBr-H2O concentration, namely 30%, 25%, and 20% with a variety of pressure treatments. The result of this research shows that COP of the system at concentration of 30% was 0.130 – 0.270, at concentration of 25% was 0.035 – 0.055, and at concentration of 20% was 0.015 – 0.020en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectreverse osmosis membraneen
dc.titleUji Kinerja Pemanfaatan Membran Reverse Osmosis pada Mesin Pendingin Absorpsi LiBr-H20en

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