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Resonance technique HHO generator for internal combustion engine

dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Radite P.A.
dc.contributor.authorSumawinata, Ignatius Indrawan
dc.description.abstractApplication of HHO gas as fuel had been generaly used. Though there was still controversy regarding its efficiency and efectiveness . In this research, hydrogen that hopefully could become an alternative renewable energy was produced by the electrolysis process. HHO was the mixture of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas that was formed in HHO dry generator. In HHO cell (dry) generator contained 10 cells, and each cell required 2.4 voltage. Furthermore, resonance DC application was evaluated to gain the better electrolysis efficiency. The test was held by using 2 level of electrolyte consentration, 0.178 M KOH and 0.446 M KOH. Each concentration was tested by 3 size of inductors, 8uH, 40uH, and 100uH. Not only single frequency was used, but modulatedfrequency was used also as well. In order to measure the improvement of resonance techinique application, specific energy was compared between using resonance technique and conventionaltechnique.Specific energy was calculated between output (mass of hydrogen) and input energy (watt hour). In this test,input of specific energy was measured in two condition:energy from the source (total) and energy in HHO generator only. From the test, it could be concluded that modulated frequency, by using40 Hz and 2405 Hz frequency, 100uH inductor, and 0.446 M OH, only 61% of total specific energy that was used in HHO generator. It needed23.91 watt hour energy (total) to produce 1 gram of hydrogen gas.On the other hand, the worst performance was happened in single frequency, 11270Hz, 8uH of inductor, and 0.178 KOH, where the loss of specific energy was 82%. The conventional technique only loosed about 0.5% of specific energy in 0.178 KOH needed 51.37watt hour to provide one gram of hydrogen. The loss was happened due to the excess of current that was converted into head in MOSFET. Hopefully the further research will be held again by using wet type of HHO generator because dry generator did not have fixed capacity value and it maked difficulty for calculating the perfect resonance condition.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectSpecific Energyen
dc.titleAplikasi teknik resonansi pada generator HHO untuk motor bakar internalid
dc.titleResonance technique HHO generator for internal combustion engineen

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