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Konsumsi Tepung Kedelai dan Isolat Protein Kedelai Memengaruhi Profil Reproduksi Tikus Jantan dan Betina F0 dan F1

dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Nurheni Sri
dc.contributor.advisorPrangdimurti, Endang
dc.contributor.authorKulsum, Umi
dc.description.abstractBeside as protein source, soy flour and soy protein isolate contain isoflavone. Many research have shown that isoflavone has beneficial effect for female reproduction but the effect for male and their offspring reproduction still unclear. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of dietary soy flour and soy protein isolate on growth, weight organ and testosteron & estrogen of F0 and F1 rats and reproduction profile of F0 rats. The thirty five male and female rats were divided into seven groups (n=5), there are three of soy flour groups, three of soy protein isolate for different concentration and one with casein as control group. After 30 days, the rats were mated so that entered gestation and lactation period. After lactation period, the rat's offspring were treated during 30 days. Dietary soy flour (8,69%, 13,04%, 17,38%) and soy protein isolate (10,6%, 15,91%, 21,21%) increased the sperm concentration and decreased sperm abnormality of F0 male rats than control. Moreover, dietary soy protein isolate increased motility of sperm. In addition, dietary soy flour increased level of testosterone until exceeded normal concentration. No difference effect between dietary soy flour and soy protein isolate toward level of estrogen, percent of gestation and litter size of F0 female rats and level of estrogen F1 female rats. However, dietary soy flour (10%, 15%, 20%) and soy protein isolate (15,15%, 22,72%, 30,3%) during 30 days after lactation increased growth rate of F1 rats than control.en
dc.subjectsoy flouren
dc.subjectsoy protein isolateen
dc.titleDietary Soy Flour and Soy Protein Isolate Affect Reproduction Profile of F0 and F1 Male and Female Ratsen
dc.titleKonsumsi Tepung Kedelai dan Isolat Protein Kedelai Memengaruhi Profil Reproduksi Tikus Jantan dan Betina F0 dan F1

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