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Performa Domba Lokal Jantan yang Mendapat Sumber Serat Tongkol Jagung dengan Beberapa Kombinasi Sumber Protein

dc.contributor.advisorKhotijah, Lilis
dc.contributor.advisorSuharti, Sri
dc.contributor.authorKennedy, Ikka F. M.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of local sheep with the ration of corn cob fiber sources combined with different protein sources. Sixteen local sheeps about 1.5 years old, weighed about 22.3-29.4 kg were used and divided into four groups of four animals in each group. The sheep were allocated in a Block Randomized Design. The treatment diets were, P1: ration of corn cob, cassava by product, coconut meal, and urea; P2: ration of corn cob, cassava by product, coconut meal, and soybean meal; P3: ration of corn cob, cassava by product, coconut meal, and fish meal; and P4: ration of corn cob, cassava by product, coconut meal, soybean meal, and fish meal. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and the differences were tested using Duncan’s method. The results showed that the treatments did not significantly affect on dry matter intake, crude fiber intake, nitrogen-free extract intake, feed conversion ratio, and daily weight gain. The treatment significantly affect on intake of crude protein, crude fat, and Total Digestible Nutient (TDN). The ration of corn cob fiber sources combined with copra meal, soybean meal, and fish meal can be used in local sheep and still have good performance on local sheep. Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) showed that ration of corn cob fiber sources combined with copra meal and fish meal gave the highest economic value.en
dc.description.abstractPeternakan domba berpotensi akan terus meningkat karena kebutuhan domba untuk aqiqah dan kurban saat Idul Adha yang berlangsung tiap tahun, namun usaha peternakan domba di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih mengalami kendala berupa keterbatasan pakan sumber serat terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kurban saat Idul Adha. Pemeliharaan domba untuk Idul Adha hanya dalam waktu singkat dan biasanya hanya untuk mempertahankan performa domba, namun ketersediaan rumput terbatas karena banyaknya penggunaan bahan pakan dari rumput. Alternatif pakan pengganti rumput diperlukan sebagai pakan ternak domba. Salah satu pakan alternatif untuk pengganti rumput yang dapat diberikan pada domba saat Idul Adha adalah tongkol jagung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi performa domba lokal jantan dan Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) usaha pemeliharaan domba lokal jantan yang mendapat sumber serat tongkol jagung dengan beberapa kombinasi sumber protein.
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectlocal sheepen
dc.subjectcorn cobsen
dc.subjectprotein sourcesen
dc.titlePerformance of Local Sheep With The Ration of Corn Cob Fiber Sources Combined with Different Protein Sourcesen
dc.titlePerforma Domba Lokal Jantan yang Mendapat Sumber Serat Tongkol Jagung dengan Beberapa Kombinasi Sumber Protein

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