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Kecernaan Ransum yang Mengandung Indigofera sp. atau Limbah Tauge pada Domba UP3 Jonggol dan Domba Garut

dc.contributor.advisorTjakradidjaja, Anita S.
dc.contributor.advisorSatoto, Kukuh Budi
dc.contributor.authorKasenta, Andre Meiditama
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to observe and evaluate the quality feed intake and digestibility nutrients of a ration containing Indigofera sp. or waste bean sprouts on UP3-Jonggol and Garut rams. The research was conducted in Stable B of Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University from July 2011 to October 2011.This study used 16 rams, such as eight UP3-jonggol and eight garut rams, aged 9 months, with 14,93 ± 1,38 kg BW. Treatment were two rations with the ratio of the forage and concentrates 30:70. R1 was containing of 30% Indigofera sp. and R2 was containing of 30% waste bean sprouts as pellet. Design of this experiment was Completely Randomized Design with Factorial. First factor is breed and second factor is ration. The different among treatments were tested by Ortogonal Contrast Test. The observed variables were performance production, nutrients intake, digestibility nutrients, and Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN). The results showed that breed factor did not cause any influence on performance production, nutrients intake, nutrient digestibility and TDN. The interaction between ration factor and breed factor significantly influence final body weight and daily body weight gain (P<0,05). Final body weight and daily body weight gain jonggol ram was higher than final body weight and daily body weight gain garut ram of ration containing Indigofera sp. Final body weight and daily body weight gain garut ram was higher than final body weight and daily body weight gain jonggol ram of ration containing waste bean sprouts. The treatment of ration containing waste bean sprouts significantly influence final body weight (P<0,05) and the average daily ration consumption (P<0,01). Final body weight and the average daily ration consumption of ration containing waste bean sprouts was higher than that containing Indigofera sp. Forage sources did not cause differences in feed conversion. The treatment of ration containing waste bean sprouts significantly influence nutrients intake (P<0,01) except BETN intake. Nutrient intake of ration containing waste bean sprouts was higher than that containing Indigofera sp. The treatment of ration containing Indigofera sp. and waste bean sprouts did not cause any influence on nutrient digestibility except for crude fibre digestibility (P<0.01). Crude fibre digestibility of ration containing waste bean sprouts was higher than that containing Indigofera sp. Forage sources did not cause differences in TDN. It is concluded that differences in forage sources did not cause differences in daily body weight gain, feed conversion, nutrient digestibility and TDN, but giving waste bean sprouts produced a better final body weight, the average daily ration consumption, nutrients intake and crude fibre digestibility than feeding Indigofera sp.en
dc.description.abstractFluktuasi ketersediaan pakan baik kuantitatif maupun kualitatif merupakan tantangan dalam peningkatan produktifitas ternak ruminansia di daerah tropis. Musim kemarau umumnya menurunkan produksi dan kualitas nutrisi hijauan dengan akibat menurunnya tingkat produktifitas ternak, seperti tingginya angka kematian dan rendahnya laju pertumbuhan. Pemberian leguminosa seperti Indigofera sp. dan bahan pakan inkonvensional seperti limbah tauge dalam ransum untuk ternak dapat menjadi solusi pemecahan masalah dalam usaha peternakan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan dua jenis perlakuan ransum pakan yang mengandung Indigofera sp. atau limbah tauge terhadap performa produksi, konsumsi dan kecernaan zat makanan serta Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) pada domba UP3 jonggol dan domba garut. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2011 di Laboratorium Lapang Ilmu Produksi Ternak Ruminansia Kecil Blok B, Fakultas Peternakan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Ternak yang digunakan sebanyak 8 ekor domba garut dan 8 ekor domba UP3 jonggol yang berumur 7-8 bulan dengan rataan bobot badan awal 14,93±1,38 kg. Pakan yang diberikan dalam bentuk pellet dengan rasio hijauan dan konsentrat 30:70 yang terdiri dari R1 (ransum dengan kandungan Indigofera sp. 30%) dan R2 (ransum dengan kandungan limbah Tauge 30%). Rancangan percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial 2x2 dengan faktor pertama adalah je domba (B1 = UP3 jonggol dan B2 = garut), faktor kedua yaitu jenis ransum (R1 = Indigofera sp. dan R2 = limbah tauge). Ulangan dilakukan sebanyak empat kali. Analisis data menggunakan analisis sidik ragam (Analysis of Variance) dan uji orthogonal kontras. Peubah yang diamati adalah performa produksi, konsumsi zat makanan ransum, kecernaan zat makanan ransum dan Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) ransum.
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectIndigofera spen
dc.subjectwaste bean sproutsen
dc.subjectjonggol ramsen
dc.subjectgarut ramsen
dc.subjectnutrient digestibilityen
dc.titleDigestibility of Ration Containing Indigofera sp. or Waste Bean Sprouts on UP3-Jonggol and Garut Ramsen
dc.titleKecernaan Ransum yang Mengandung Indigofera sp. atau Limbah Tauge pada Domba UP3 Jonggol dan Domba Garut

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