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dc.contributor.authorSita, Rai
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research are to evaluate how far the Second Water Sanitation for Low Income Communities (WSLIC-2) project appropriate with empowerment concept and to evaluate effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability impact of WSLIC-2 project which implemented in Pangradin village. Empowerment concept that used to analyze WSLIC-2 project design and its implementation in field are 10 principles Community Driven Development (CDD). Community Driven Development is one of development approach which gives control of decisions and resources to community. Effectiveness expresses what extent the planned outputs, expected effect, and intended impacts are being or have been produced or achieved. Relevance means what extent the WSLIC-2 project is addressing or has addressed problems of high priority, mainly as viewed by stakeholders, particularly the project’s beneficiaries and any another people who might have been its beneficiaries. Meanwhile, sustainability impact means that the maintenances or augmentation of positive changes induced by project after the latter has been terminated. The sustainability also means maintenances of physical produced, continued use of physical facilities, and continued ability to plan and manage similar development work. As a project which based on community, WSLIC-2 project design has appropriated with 10 principles of CDD. The principles of CDD which related to concept of plan and construction phase (such as principle of establish an enabling environment through relevant institutional and policy reform; make investments responsive to informed demand; build participatory mechanisms for community control and stakeholder; ensure social and gender inclusion, invest in capacity building of CBOs (Community-Based Organization); facilitate community access to information; develop simple rules and strong incentives; maintain flexibility in design of arrangements involvement) has implemented well in the field. But, the principle who related with concept of maintenances phase (such as design for scaling up and invest in an exit strategy) not yet implemented well in field. In general, WSLIC-2 project that conducted in Pangradin village assessed quite relevance, but not fully effective and the sustainability is still questionable. Optimization activity of CLTS (Community Led Total Sanitation) and strengthening structure of UPS (Unit Pengelola Sarana) are implementable in order to create a sustainable WSLIC-2 project.en
dc.titleEvaluasi Efektivitas, Relevansi, dan Keberlanjutan Dampak Proyek Second Water Sanitation for Low Income Communities (WSLIC-2) di Desa Pangradin, Kecamatan Jasinga, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat.en

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