Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) growth response and production with different diameter at post cement mine PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa
Respon pertumbuhan dan produksi gamal (Gliricidia sepium) dengan diameter batang yang berbeda pada lahan pasca tambang semen PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa.
Marginal land use is one way of overcoming problems of limited land. One example of marginal land that can be used is the post-mining land cement. Post-mining land cement is level land with a very low fertility, it is because the mineral content of land is already used as a raw material in cement manufacture. The study was conducted in February 2009 to June 2009 on post-mining land cement in PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa. The design used is Random Design Group (RAK) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The first treatment is Gliricidia sepium with a diameter of 1 cm, the second treatment is Gliricidia sepium to 2 cm in diameter, the third treatment using Gliricidia sepium with 3 cm in diameter, the fourth treatment using Gliricidia sepium with 4 cm in diameter, and the last treatment using Gliricidia sepium with 5 cm in diameter. The data obtained were analyzed with the fingerprint range (ANOVA) and if there is a significantly different data then proceed using Duncan test. Variables - variables that observed in the form of percentage growth, the number of shoots, shoot length, dry weight production, content of N, P, and K plant, and the ratio of leaves and stems. Results of statistical analysis showed that all treatments are given to show the different influences are obvious (p <0.01) to the percentage of growth, the number of shoots, shoot length, dry weight production, and the ratio of leaves and stems of plants. Treatment with stem diameter of 5 cm gives a different effect is very real (p <0.01) the highest percentage growth of the variables, the number of shoots, length tnas, production of dry weight, content of N, P and K observed plants. Pemanfaatan lahan marjinal merupakan salah satu cara dalam mengatasi permasalahan keterbatasan lahan. Salah satu contoh lahan marjinal yang dapat digunakan ialah lahan pasca tambang semen. Lahan pasca tambang semen merupakan lahan dengan tingkat kesuburan yang sangat rendah. Lahan marjinal pasca tambang semen dapat diperbaiki kualitasnya dengan cara pemberian pupuk dan penanaman tanaman yang mampu beradaptasi untuk hidup pada lahan berkualitas rendah dan mampu meningkatkan kesuburuan pada lahan tersebut. Gliricidia sepium merupakan tanaman perdu yang mempunyai kemampuan adaptasi yang cukup tinggi pada lahan marjinal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan produksi Gliricidia sepium dengan diameter batang yang berbeda pada lahan pasca tambang semen.