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Studi Difusi Inovasi System of Rice Intensification (SRI) di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya (Kasus di Dusun Muhara Desa Banjarsari Kecamatan Sukaresik Provinsi Jawa Barat)

dc.contributor.advisorMugniesyah, Siti Sugiah
dc.contributor.authorNugraha, Gilang Kartiwa
dc.description.abstractSo far, research on most of the SRI innovation emphasizes the technology aspect. Meanwhile, research regarding the introduction of agricultural innovations to the farmers in Indonesia more emphasis on adoption of innovation at the level of individual farmers. This study aimed to determine (1) SRI innovation distribution maps in Tasikmalaya District in the Muhara Hamlet especially, since introducted until the research conducted, (2) SRI innovation diffusion process, particularly innovativeness, the pattern of adopter categories that occurred in the community and the rate of paddy SRI innovation adoption and the factors that influence it, and (3) whether there is any problem in implementing innovative programs SRI in Tasikmalaya District, particularly in the hamlet of cases and the factors influencing it. This study found that the majority of those classified as low in productivity, income level, the rate of introduction of SRI innovation from the mass media, the level of participation of farmers following the extension, nonformal education level and household level stratum of farmers, while classified as medium in terms of level complexity, triability level, observability level, the level of adherence to conventional cultivation farmers, farmers 'level of integration, the level of diversity of SRI innovation counseling methods, the level of formal education, communication and behavior patterns as well as high in SRI type of innovation decision making, the level of farmer’s needs for innovation SRI and adoption rate of SRI innovation. SRI has been running from 2006, in Hamlet Muhara but still found some problems that arise. The problem is not locally available organic fertilizers, pest control is still low and the perceived marketing SRI paddy farmers still do not provide benefits for not providing the expected added value. Therefor, need assistance in the form of supplying the holding of a couple holding livestock in the form of goats, chickens, guinea pigs, ducks and other in a revolving system from one farmer to another farmer, induction of pest control experts to provide training how to cope with pests by using the method of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the importance of awareness about organic agriculture, there is a willingness from the Department of Agriculture Tasikmalaya to make efforts so that SRI rice marketing can provide significant benefits for farmers by establishing agreements with distributors who can market the SRI paddy farms in Muhara with competitive prices and also provide training to farmers on organic agriculture certification standards seten
dc.subjectDifusion of Innovation SRI Processen
dc.subjectRate of Adoption Innovation SRIen
dc.titleStudy Difusion Of Innovation System Of Rice Intensification (Sri) In Kabupaten Tasiklamaya. (Case: Dusun Muhara, Desa Banjarsari, Kecamatan Sukaresik, Provinsi Jawa Barat).en
dc.titleStudi Difusi Inovasi System of Rice Intensification (SRI) di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya (Kasus di Dusun Muhara Desa Banjarsari Kecamatan Sukaresik Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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