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Persepsi Pelanggan terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) di Unit Pelayanan dan Jaringan (UPJ) Bekasi Kota.

dc.contributor.advisorHubeis, Aida Vitayala S.
dc.contributor.authorDessianayanthi, Dahlia
dc.description.abstractPublic service is one form of the state apparatus functions as a public servant as well as a servant of the state. Seeing an increasingly competitive business world today, the company that provide public service need to change their customer services into a profit center. The quality of service provides an important link between the company and customers, also can help to push the company to achieve their goals and give positive image. Company's image depends on how the company give their services to the customer. Companies are required to constantly monitor public perceptions or opinions about the company, through its institutional functions of Public Relation (PR). The public opinion will become some input for either the company or the PR in order to make a strategy for doing the next performance improvement and giving the company positive image. The purpose of this research is to analyze the customer's perception of the quality of public services at PLN UPJ Bekasi Kota, and the relationship between the internal and external factors with the customer's perception of public services at PLN UPJ Bekasi Kota. The respondents in this research are customers of PLN UPJ Bekasi Kota. Respondents is choosen based on accidental sampling with the amount of the sampling is 100 persons. The method of this research is quantitative approach with descriptive research model. The data analisys is using Rank Spearman test for ordinal data and using Chi Square for testing nominal data. The results of this research show the customer’s perception on the quality of public services at PLN UPJ Bekasi Kota is good with the average score equal to 3.86. Correlation test showed that the internal factors there are five significant correlation, which is the relationship between education level and assurance, education level and responsiveness, education level and tangibles, income level and tangibles, and the frequency of respondents calling and responsiveness. Beside that there are no significant correlation on other variables in the internal factor. External factors, which only have one variable, that is the media of communication, from the correlation test result show that there is no significant correlation between the media of communication with the reliability, assurance, empathy, responsiveness and the tangibles of public service at PLN UPJ Bekasi Kota.en
dc.subjectPublic Serviceen
dc.subjectQuality of Serviceen
dc.titleCustomer’s Perception on The Quality of Public Service at Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) UPJ Bekasi Kotaen
dc.titlePersepsi Pelanggan terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) di Unit Pelayanan dan Jaringan (UPJ) Bekasi Kota.

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