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Hubungan Minat, Motif dan Pola Menonton Sinetron di Televisi dengan Perilaku Hedonis Remaja (Kasus SMA Negeri dan Swasta Kota Bogor)

dc.contributor.advisorSaleh, Amiruddin
dc.contributor.authorPinasthika, Andaru Wyakti Kinathik
dc.description.abstractTelevision is one of the preferred mass media society. Television show an interesting and colorful pictures. Television produce a sound like a reality. One type of television show is a soap opera. Soap operas aired everyday and have highest rating among others. Based on social learning theory, the audience copying something of what they saw. Today, the soap opera always displays the glamour and violence. Results of previous studies show that tha violence affects to teenage aggressiveness. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between soap operas and teenage behavior. The purpose of this study is to determine the interests, motives and patterns of watching soap operas on television with the hedonic teenage behavior. This research had done by quantitative survey using a descriptive correlational design. Respondents were students from the SMA Negeri 2, SMA Negeri 3, SMA Bina Bangsa Sejahtera and SMA Budi Mulia in Bogor that had selected by proportional stratified random sampling technique. Instrumentation used was a questionnaire. It tested for validity and reliability with validity test Pearson product moment correlation and reliability test split half coefficient. Research conducted after the test questionnaire. Data processed by the frequency distribution table and the mean scores, chi-square analysis and Spearman rank correlation test with SPSS for Windows version 17,0. Teenages had low interest and motives of watch soap operas, and medium patterns of watch soap operas. Teenage hedonic behavior was low. Interests and motives to watch soap operas had a highly significant relationship (p<0,01) with a pattern of watching soap operas, except for personal motives relationship with the intensity of watching had correlated significantly (p<0,05). Watch soap operas pattern was not correlated significantly (p>0,05) with teenage hedonic behavior, except for relations with the intensity of behavior had a real relationship with laziness (p<0,05).en
dc.subjectmass mediaen
dc.subjectsoap operaen
dc.subjecthedonic behavioren
dc.titleRelationship of Watching Soap Operas Patterns, Motives and Interests on TV with Hedonic Teenage Behavior.en
dc.titleHubungan Minat, Motif dan Pola Menonton Sinetron di Televisi dengan Perilaku Hedonis Remaja (Kasus SMA Negeri dan Swasta Kota Bogor)

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