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Fermentabilitas dan Kecernaan in vitro Ransum Ruminansia yang Disuplementasi dengan Kromium Organik dan Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum).

dc.contributor.advisorAmirroenas, Dwierra Evvyernie
dc.contributor.authorAstriana, Dian
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of suplementation organic Cr and Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) in the diet upon the fermentability and digestibility in vitro. The experimental design used in this experiment was Factorial Randomized Block Design 2 x 5 with 4 replications, where the two factors were the kind of ruminant (sheep and dairy lactation) diets and the use of feed supplements were: R1 (control), R2 (R1+ 3 ppm Organic Cr), R3 (R1+ 3 ppm Inorganic Cr), R4 (R1+Lingzhi), R5 (R1+Lingzhi + 3 ppm Organic Cr). Cow rumen fluid taken in different time and was used as block or replication. Variables observed were dry matter and organic matter digestibilities, total VFA and NH3 productions. Data were analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and significant differences were further tested using contrast orthogonal. The results of the experiment showed that Cr suplementation highly significantly (P<0.01) improved the VFA production. The treatments did not influence the digestibility and NH3 production. VFA productions of R2 and R3 diets were higher than those of R4 and R5 diets. The percentage of organic matter digestibility of all treatments was higher than that of dry matter. The digestibility of Lingzhi (R4) suplemented diet was higher than that of the organic chromium. The digestibility of sheep diet was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of the dairy diet. The conclusion of this experiment was that suplementation with organic Cr increased up to 23.64 % total production of VFA in ruminant compared to control diet. The treatments did not influence the digestibility and NH3 production. The digestibility of sheep diet was higher than that of the dairy diet.en
dc.description.abstractTernak ruminansia di daerah tropis umumnya rentan terhadap penyakit dan mikroorganisme patogen. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah melalui perbaikan pakan dengan suplementasi. Umumnya penambahan suplemen bertujuan untuk meningkatkan imunitas tubuh serta produktivitas ternak. Suplemen dapat berupa tumbuhan, jamur dan juga mineral. Kromium merupakan salah satu mineral mikro esensial bagi ternak. Defisiensi kromium dapat menyebabkan gangguan pertumbuhan pada ternak. Kromium dalam bentuk organik lebih mudah larut dan mudah diabsorbsi oleh tubuh. Kromium organik dapat dihasilkan dengan memanfaatkan fungi Ganoderma lucidum untuk menginkorporasikan Cr ke dalam fungi tersebut. Ganoderma lucidum merupakan jamur pendegradasi lignin yang dapat berperan sebagai carrier bagi mineral. Ganoderma lucidum mengandung senyawa aktif pada tubuh buah dan miseliumnya yang dapat berfungsi sebagai stimulator kekebalan tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek suplementasi kromium (Cr) organik dan Lingzhi dalam ransum ternak yang dievaluasi dari kecernaan dan fermentabilitasnya di dalam rumen secara in vitro.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectGanoderma lucidumen
dc.subjectin vitroen
dc.subjectorganic chromiumen
dc.titleIn vitro Fermentability and Digestibility of Ruminant Diets Suplemented with Organic Chromium and Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum)en
dc.titleFermentabilitas dan Kecernaan in vitro Ransum Ruminansia yang Disuplementasi dengan Kromium Organik dan Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum).IND

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