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dc.contributor.advisorSudrajat, Agus Oman
dc.contributor.authorLestari, Uthami Nagin
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted to obtain a dose of PMSG (pregnant mare serum gonadotropin) that can induce rematuration of striped catfish Pangasionodon hypopthalmus. Induced rematuration was performed using PMSG combined with feeding fish a diet supplemented with vitamin mix 200 mg/kg diet. PMSG dosage given was 5, 10, and 20 IU/kg body weight respectively, induction was done once a week in a 4 weeks period. Control didn’t injected by PMSG. The research resulted that 10 IU dosage induction gave a faster maturation compared to other dosages at the fifth week with 50% of broodstocks are pregnant. Broodstock injected with dosage of 20 IU began to mature gonads at the sixth week. There was one broodstock that has mature gonads at the sixth week, while broodstock injected with dosage of 5 IU immature gonads until the sixth week. Percentage of broodstocks pregnant for all treatment is 100%. Percentage of broodstocks pregnant was counted visually through the observation of the stomach shape and the presence of eggs with cannulation. But not every pregnant broodstock eggs were ready to be fertilized. More over, egg quality were also examined by measuring egg diameter, fecundity, FR (Fertilization Rate), HR (Hatching Rate), and SR (Survival Rate). Broodstock fecundity was measured 157576 ± 34284 (10 IU) and 290909 (20 IU). While FR, HR, and SR values are 35.57 ± 10.79%; 44.30 ± 13.87%; 79.81 ± 13.87% (10 IU), and 54.28%; 78.81%; 90.51% (20 IU) respectively. Egg diameter was in a range of 0.724 ± 0.062 – 0.94 ± 0.374 mm. Furthermore striped catfish rematuration rate could be increased by PMSG injection. Premix addition increased egg quality in terms of egg diameter, fecundity, FR, HR, and SR of produced larva. Induced rematuration with PMSG suspected to be able to support increase in national striped catfish fry production.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectvitamin mixen
dc.subjectPMSG mixen
dc.subjectstriped catfishen
dc.titleInduksi rematurasi ikan patin siam dengan kombinasi penyuntikan hormon PMSG mix dan penambahan vitamin mix 200 mg/kg pakan.en

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