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dc.contributor.authorWidiasto, Riza Purbo
dc.description.abstractFish transportation was usually held at high density to efficient the transportation cost, but Higher density of fish carried inside the container will be increase stress level of fish. Some stress will result in increased activity of fish physycology that could worst the water quality especially DO, CO2, and NH3. This research aimed to evaluate the effectifity of salt utilization in water transport media which had been given by zeolite and active carbon to maintain water quality of transport media, so the mortality during transportation of gouramy fish size ±4 cm can can be minimize during transportation. The research was conducted in laboratory scale with complete randome device. Gouramy fish Osprhonemus gouramy which use for this experiment were exsposed to five different doses and applied in two replications. Every treatment was describe A)blanko 50 fishes/ℓ (without zeolite, active carbon, and salt); B)control 50 fishes/ℓ + 20 g/ℓ zeolite + 10 g/ℓ active carbon; C) 50 fishes/ℓ + 20 g/ℓ zeolite + 10 g/ℓ actvive carbon, 1 g/ ℓ salt; D) 50 fishes/ℓ + 20 g/ℓ zeolite + 10 g/ℓ active carbon, 3 g/ℓ salt; and E) 50 fishes/ℓ + 20 g/ℓ zeolite + 10 g/ℓ active carbon, 5 g/ℓ salt. The package system was transported for 72 hour. Survival rate during transportation in every treatment A, B, C, D, and E was 0%, 57%, 59%, 65%, dan 74%. The result of this research showed that treatment E gave the best result seen from the survival rate (SR) with 74 %, associated with the transport medium water quality values had level of total amonia nitrogen (TAN) 1.619±0.28, NH3 0.069±0.016, DO 4,26 mg/ℓ and has the best specific growth rate 2.95%, and 100% of survival rate during post-transportation test.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectfish transportationen
dc.subjectactivated carbonen
dc.subjectSurvival rate (SR)en
dc.subjectGouramy fishen
dc.titleEfektivitas penambahan zeolit 20g/ℓ, karbon aktif 10g/ℓ, dan garam dalam transportasi tertutup benih ikan gurame osphonemus gouramy Lac. dengan kepadatan tinggien

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