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Pengembangan Sistem Akuisisi Data Kadar Nitrogen Tanah Berbasis Sensor Infra Merah sebagai Pedoman Penentuan Dosis Pemupukan

dc.contributor.advisorAstika, I Wayan
dc.contributor.advisorSaulia, Lenny
dc.contributor.authorAngkat, Abdul Roni
dc.description.abstractSite specific nitrogen fertilizing needs an accurate map of soil nitrogen content. The use of sensors operated upon the soil is a promising method since the accurate soil sampling methods are costly and time consuming. The objectives of this research are to determine the relation between soil nitrogen level and near infrared spectrum using artificial neural network (ANN) and to develop soil nitrogen content data acquisition system for static dan dynamic measurement. The results showed that the 1506 nm wavelength can be used to estimate the soil nitrogen content. Furthermore it was found that static measurement showed a better correlation (R2= 0.6286) than the dynamic measurement (R2=0.3111). Combined with the developed ATMega32 microcontroller based display recorder, the precision of N content measurement achieved 0.12% wb with 0.1% wb noise.en
dc.subjectsoil nitrogen levelen
dc.subjectdata acquisitionen
dc.subjectartificial neural networken
dc.subjectprecision farmingen
dc.titleDevelopment of Infrared Sensor Based Data Acquistion System for Predicting Soil Nitrogen Content as a Reference to Determine Fertilizing Dosageen
dc.titlePengembangan Sistem Akuisisi Data Kadar Nitrogen Tanah Berbasis Sensor Infra Merah sebagai Pedoman Penentuan Dosis Pemupukan

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