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Design and Performance Test of Dustfall Measurement Instrument

dc.contributor.advisorYuwono, Arief Sabdo
dc.contributor.advisorSaptomo, Satyanto K.
dc.description.abstractPeraturan Pemerintah No. 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara menyebutkan bahwa udara merupakan sumberdaya alam yang mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia serta makhluk hidup lainnya dan harus dijaga serta dipelihara kelestarian fungsinya untuk pemeliharaan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan manusia serta perlindungan bagi makhluk hidup lainnya. Salah satu parameter pencemaran yang perlu dikendalikan yaitu konsentrasi debu jatuh dalam udara ambien. Debu jatuh terdiri dari material yang kompleks dengan komposisi yang konstan dan konsentrasi logam berat di dalamnya sangat bervariasi. Dustfall adalah debu yang jatuh akibat dari pengaruh gravitasi maupun yang terikut air hujan yang diukur setelah pengambilan contoh air uji berupa air hujan menggunakan peralatan ”Deposite Gauge” yang dipaparkan di udara selama 1 bulan.en
dc.description.abstractDustfall is one of the ambient air quality parameters based on Government Regulation No. 41/1999 pertaining on Air Pollution Control. The conventional dustfall measurement system practiced today still needs to be improved in order to simplify the measurement technique in the field and to shorten analysis time in the laboratory. The purposes of this research were to: a) to design and develop a simple, practical, and economical dustfall measurement instrument, b) to carry out performance test of dustfall measurement instrument and to analyze the results of field measurements in several different location. Dustfall canister was developed based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material which was then connected to the filter house. Filter stabilisation chamber was developed by using acrylic and steel as casing material, and equipped with a closed-loop temperature control system based on PID (proportional-integral-derivative). The results showed that the design of dustfall canister had been able to shorten the sample analysis time in the laboratory. The new developed system allows direct insertion of dustfall filter followed by weighing step which in turn could shorten analysis time. Another result obtained was that the stabilisation chamber control system had showed a well function to set a temperature point. The performance of PID control system produced a stable temperature regime in the stabilisation chamber during the process of filter stabilisation. The test results showed that acrylic materials were relatively less safe for the filter stabilisation chamber due to lack of heat resistance, while the steel metal was more secure and subsequently selected as the final structure of the material. The results also indicated that the filter drying could be done within three hours. With this system, the overall measurement of dustfall in ambient air can be simplified. The field measurement showed that human activities and the use of fossil fuel vehicles affected the concentration of dustfall in the air. Density of vegetation also affected the concentration of dust fall in the air
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectair pollutionen
dc.subjectambient airen
dc.subjectdesign and performanceen
dc.subjectstabilisation chamberen
dc.titleRancang Bangun dan Uji Kinerja Alat Ukur Debu Jatuh (Dustfall)en
dc.titleDesign and Performance Test of Dustfall Measurement Instrument

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