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Study on the Supply Chain of Sweet Potato Flour Industry

dc.contributor.advisorArkeman, Yandra
dc.contributor.advisorSunarti, Titi Candra
dc.contributor.advisorFebransyah, Ade
dc.contributor.authorZahra, Nisa
dc.description.abstractKetahanan pangan telah menjadi isu yang sangat penting bagi hampir setiap negara di dunia, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Masyarakat Indonesia memang telah dikenal mengkonsumsi beras sebagai makanan pokoknya. Maka ketika permintaan atas beras lebih besar daripada pasokannya, timbulah masalah yang dapat mengancam ketahanan pangan nasional. Padahal, beras bukan satu-satunya komoditas pemenuh kebutuhan gizi masyarakat. Upaya pemerintah dalam membangun diversifikasi konsumsi pangan sesungguhnya telah dilakukan sejak tahun 1960-an, saat pemerintah mulai menganjurkan konsumsi bahan makanan pokok selain beras.en
dc.description.abstractIndonesian people are well known in consuming rice as their staple food. As the national food security becomes very demanding on the rice sufficiency, this situation is growing a problem as rice supply is becoming limited. The government has actually made a serious effort to solve this problem by establishing food diversification programs, such as developing flour agro industry based on local commodities to support the national food security. One of the most potential local commodities of carbohydrate source is sweet potato, as Indonesia is the 4th biggest sweet potato producer in the world (FAO 2007). The implementation of supply chain management in developing the sweet potato flour agro industry is becoming very important. Various parties will be involved in this industry, their requirements need to be fulfilled, and their expectations need to be satisfied. Starting from the farmers producing sweet potato tubers, until the industry producing the sweet potatoes flour. Managing supply chain is about meeting supply to demand, to result higher supply chain surplus among all the parties involved so that this agro industry is hopefully becoming attractive for the parties involved. This research is presenting the characteristic of sweet potato, sweat potato flour, and its potency as the raw material for food industry. The present condition of sweet potato business and sweet potato flour supply chain was also studied, taking West Java as a sample case of study. And as an addition, an efficient supply chain management of sweet potato flour agro industry is designed to become a recommendation, or one of consideration for building the sweet potato flour agro industry. According to this research, sweet potato has good potency to be the raw material of flour industry, but the present supply chain needs to be improved to get the optimum result and advantage.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectsupply chainen
dc.subjectsweet potato flouren
dc.subjectplant locationen
dc.titleAnalisa Rantai Pasokan Agroindustri Tepung Ubi Jalaren
dc.titleStudy on the Supply Chain of Sweet Potato Flour Industry

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