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Performa dan Respon Fisiologi Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Ransum Mengandung 1,5% Ampas Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus) pada Waktu Pemberian dan Suhu Kandang yang Berbeda

dc.contributor.advisorRahayu, Iman
dc.contributor.advisorMutia, Rita
dc.contributor.authorEfendi, Denny
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to knew the physiological response and performance of broiler fed with 1.5% red fruit waste at different time feeding and cage temperature. 240 heads Cobb strain broiler were used in factorial completely randomized design with two factors and four replications. The first factor was cage temperature: K1: normal cages (28.9±1.0oC); K2: hot cages (31.4±1.0oC); K3: comfortable cages (24.6±1.0oC). The second factor was red fruit waste feeding time: W1: starter period and W2: finisher period with 10 heads of broiler. Parameter used were cumulative feed intake, cumulative water consumption, body weight gain, cumulative feed conversion, final body weight, carcass percentage, mortality, performance index, behaviour, viscera percentation, body temperature and heterophil:lymphocyte ratio. Data obtained were analysed by SPSS.17 program. Red fruit waste fed at starter priod were showed higher stress depcession compared with finisher period. Base on these result, it can be concluded that there were interaction between red fruit waste feeding period and cage temperature in body temperature on day-39. 1.5% red fruit waste feeding in broiler were the best on finisher and gave best response in the comfortable temperature (24.6±1.0oC).en
dc.subjectWaste of red fruiten
dc.subjectcage temperatureen
dc.subjectphysiological responseen
dc.subjectbroiler chickenen
dc.titlePerformance and physiological response of broiler fed with diet containing 1.5% red fruit waste (pandanus conoideus) at different feeding time dan cage temperatures.en
dc.titlePerforma dan Respon Fisiologi Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Ransum Mengandung 1,5% Ampas Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus) pada Waktu Pemberian dan Suhu Kandang yang Berbeda

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