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Penentuan Umur Simpan Jagung Titi Berdasarkan Model Isotermi Sorpsi

dc.contributor.advisorBudiastra, I Wayan
dc.contributor.advisorHasbullah, Rokhani
dc.contributor.authorDaulima, Anna Magdalena
dc.description.abstractAn Experiment was conducted in order to investigate the shelf life of titi corn using Accelerate Storage Studies Method based on sorption isotherm models. The adsorption isotherms were determined at 25, 30, and 35°C. Samples were equilibrated in sorption containers containing salt solution of known water activity (0.069-0.97), and placed in temperature-controlled cabinets for approximately two weeks. The sorption capacity decreased with increasing temperature. The data obtained were fitted to several models with two parameter relationships (BET, Caurie, Chen Clayton, Halsey, Henderson, dan Oswin). In the all range of storage temperature and water activity, the Henderson model was shown to give the closest fit to the experimental data. Packaging type and storage time significantly influenced the qualities of titi corn. The shelf-life of titi corn stored at 25, 30, and 35°C and packed with HDPE were 555, 522, and 285 days; withen
dc.subjectSorption isothermen
dc.subjecttiti Cornen
dc.subjectMathematical modelsen
dc.subjectShelf lifeen
dc.titleDetermination of titi corn shelf life based on sorption isotherm modelen
dc.titlePenentuan Umur Simpan Jagung Titi Berdasarkan Model Isotermi Sorpsi

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