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Kajian Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan Kulit Kayu Manis di Sumatera Barat.

dc.contributor.advisorNasution, M. Zein
dc.contributor.advisorRusli, Meika Syahbana
dc.contributor.advisorFauzi, Anas Miftah
dc.contributor.authorFitriyeni, Ira
dc.description.abstractCinnamon is one of agriculture product that quite much produced in West Sumatera and potential to be developed. To add the cinnamon value need to do product diversification to developed another form of refined product. The aim of this study was to review the types of cinnamon products that can be developed. The output of research is the cinnamon industry can produce some product that was the cinnamon bark as much as 45%, the cinnamon powder as much as 30% and the cinnamon bark oil as much as 25%. The cinnamon bark oil products resulting from further processing of small broken cinnamon bark (chips). Analysis study of the available technology obtained results that steam destillation method can be used to produce cinnamon bark oil. The cinnamon bark oil product results meet the quality standards of EOA. The financial analysis of cinnamon bark industry which was carried out at Solok district using indicators : Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net B/C Ratio and Pay Back Period (PBP) were feasible. Where the processing industry would provide an increase in farmer income.en
dc.description.abstractKomoditi kayu manis adalah salah satu produk pertanian yang cukup banyak diusahakan di daerah Sumatera Barat dan potensial untuk dikembangkan. Selama ini kayu manis diolah dalam bentuk gulungan kering kulit pohon tanaman kayu manis, di mana pemasarannya lebih banyak untuk tujuan ekspor. Untuk memberikan nilai tambah, perlu dilakukan diversifikasi produk dengan mengembangkan bentuk olahan lain yaitu produk bubuk kayu manis dan minyak kayu manis. Selain memudahkan dalam pemasaran, produk dalam bentuk bubuk dan minyak kayu manis juga dapat dihindarkan dari serangan jamur dan harga yang diperoleh juga lebih tinggi.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectcinnamon barken
dc.subjectprocessing industryen
dc.subjectfinancial analysisen
dc.titleDevelopment Study of Processing Cinnamon Bark Industry in West Sumatera.en
dc.titleKajian Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan Kulit Kayu Manis di Sumatera Barat.IND

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