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Evaluasi Aktivitas Antidiare Isolat Lactobacillus dari Air Susu Ibu

dc.contributor.advisorNuraida, Lilis
dc.contributor.advisorPrangdimurti, Endang
dc.contributor.authorHartanti, Apriliana Wahyu
dc.description.abstractSome of Lactobacillus species isolated from breast milk are known to have anti-microbes activities, including against E. coli. Based on previous research, the isolates are also known to have good probiotic properties, such as ability to survive in acidic environment and bile salt resistant. The aims of this study were to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus species isolated from breast milk against enteropathogenic E. coli strain (EPEC K1.1), and to evaluate the effectiveness of Lactobacillus isolates to prevent diarrhea on animal experiment. The present study was conducted in three stages. The first stage was the evaluation the antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus isolates against EPEC K1.1 (using contact method). The second method was the determination of EPEC K1.1 infection dose to induce diarrhea without causing death of the experiment animal. The third stage was evaluation of effectiveness of Lactobacillus to prevent diarrhea on rats. Based on antimicrobial activity study there were three isolates of Lactobacilli with good inhibition against EPEC K1.1, they were L. rhamnosus R14, L. rhamnosus R23, and L. rhamnosus B16 (R14, R23 and B16). The determination of EPEC dose shows that 108 cfu of EPEC K1.1 was sufficient to induce diarrhea on rat without causing death. Animal experiment indicated that Lactobacillus isolates show an activity to prevent diarrhea, but Lactobacillus rhamnosus R23 had the best capabilities of preventing diarrhea in rats compared to two other isolates of Lactobacillus. The numbers of diarrhea rats and severity level in group treated with Lactobacillus were lower than on EPEC K1.1 control group. Count of E. coli on negative control group tend to stable whereas on EPEC K1.1 control group increased sharply at first day after administration of EPEC K1.1. Treatment of R14 and B16 isolate increased slightly the amount of E. coli at first day after administration of EPEC K1.1 and decreased until last period. Treatment of R23 isolate decreased the amount of E. coli at first day after administration of EPEC K1.1 and continuesly until last period. The count of Lactobacillus on rat feces a long the evaluation period was sufficient to perform significant effect. Treament of Lactobacillus isolate increased the amount of Lactobacillus in rat feces. This indicated that three Lactobacillus isolates could survive on the gastrointestinal track of rats. Based on result evaluation of treatment Lactobacillus and EPEC K1.1 isolate toward the amount of Lactobacillus and E. coli on rats cecum and colon shows not significant effect. Based on this study it was concluded that the three Lactobacillus isolated from breast milk had good inhibition againts EPEC K1.1, but Lactobacillus rhamnosus R23 had the best capabilities of preventing diarrhea in rats compared to two other isolates of Lactobacillus.en
dc.description.abstractSebagian besar isolat Lactobacillus yang berasal dari air susu ibu (ASI) diketahui memiliki sifat antimikroba termasuk terhadap E. coli. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya, isolat-isolat tersebut mampu bertahan dalam lingkungan asam dan garam empedu sehingga menjadi kandidat probiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui aktivitas antimikroba isolat Lactobacillus asal ASI terhadap isolat E. coli patogenik (EPEC K1.1) dan mengetahui efektivitas isolat Lactobacillus asal ASI untuk mencegah kejadian diare pada tikus percobaan serta untuk menentukan tiga isolat Lactobacillus asal ASI yang dapat mencegah diare pada tikus percobaan.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectbreast milken
dc.subjectE. colien
dc.titleEvaluation on Anti-Diarrhea Activity of Lactobacillus Isolates From Breast Milk.en
dc.titleEvaluasi Aktivitas Antidiare Isolat Lactobacillus dari Air Susu IbuIND

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