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dc.contributor.advisorSupriyono, Eddy
dc.contributor.advisorArfah, Harton
dc.contributor.authorAnandasari, Rahma Vida
dc.description.abstractThe critical energy of PLN in supplying the electrical energy, influence the high-blow ability in work to supply the dissolved oxygen. So it’s important to search for other sources of electrical energy which are low cash, stable, regenerable and always available to supply the electrical energy to the high-blow. This research aims to compare the provision of aeration produced by high-blow between solar energy sources and PLN energy sources in the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei juvenile rearing. It was termed by stability of electric power (P), dissolved oxygen (DO), oxygen transfer rate (OTR), the effectiveness of high-blow (E), the survival rate (SR), as well as the specific growth rate (SGR). Treatment was applied, by using of a high-blow (for 2 fiber tub) with solar energy sources (SES) and the use of a high-blow (for 2 fiber tub) with PLN energy sources (SEP). Based on observations, it was known that P in the treatment of SEP was relatively more stable around 129.09-149.85 watt while P in the treatment of SEP was ranged from 80.80-174.80 watt. P in the treatment of SEP had 0 watt (power off). DO in the treatment of SES ranges from 7 s.d.8 mg/Liter, while the DO in the treatment of SEP ranged up to 6.8 8 mg/liter. OTR in the treatment of SES was 9.6 x 10-4 kg O2/jam, whereas the treatment of SEP OTR was 8.7 x 10-4 kg O2/jam. The E of the treatment of SES was 60.6%, while the E treatment of SEP was 57.3%. SR in the treatment of SES was 90%, while the SR in the treatment of SEP was 96%. SGR on SES treatment of 18.69%, while the SGR in the treatment of SEP was 19.49%. White shrimp juvenile rearing using aeration of different energy sources did not provide a significant influence on the survival rate (SR) and growth (SGR) of white shrimp juvenile indicated by the SR ranged around 90% and 18.5% of SGR. Thus the energy source of solar power could be an alternative source of electrical energy for the seeding of white shrimp.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectwhite shrimp juvenile.en
dc.subjectPLN energy sourcesen
dc.subjectsolar energy sourcesen
dc.titlePengadaan Dissolved Oxygen dari High-Blow dengan Sumber Energi Surya dalam Pemeliharaan Juvenil Udang Vaname Litopenaeus vannameien

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