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Correlation between Sensory Flavor Profile of "Bakasang" with Its Physicochemical and Microbiological Quality.

dc.contributor.advisorWijaya, C. Hanny
dc.contributor.advisorAdawiyah, Dede Robiatul
dc.contributor.authorHarikedua, Silvana D.
dc.description.abstractBakasang adalah produk fermentasi ikan tradisional yang banyak dikonsumsi di daerah Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia. Bakasang diproduksi dengan cara memfermentasi ikan-ikan kecil atau isi perut ikan-ikan besar hasil sampingan industri pengasapan ikan yang terlebih dahulu dicampur dengan garam. Informasi ilmiah dari hasil anal isis sensori prod uk yang relatif disukai oleh konsumen beserta dengan karakteristik mutu fisiko-kimia dan mikrobiologi produk yang relatif disukai tersebut belum terdokumentasikan. Penelitian mengenai hubungan antara mutu fisiko-kimia dan mikrobiologi dengan profil sensori flavor produk ini belum pemah. dilaporkan, oleh sebab itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari keterkaitan profil sensori flavor produk bakasang yang terpilih hasil penerimaan konsumen dengan karakteristik mutu fisiko-kimia dan mikrobiologinya.IND
dc.description.abstractBakasang is a traditional fermented fish product which widely consumed in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between sensory flavor profile of Bakasang with its physicochemical and microbiological quality. Seven products of bakasang from different processors in Manado and Bitung, North Sulawesi, were selected for their acceptance evaluation using hedonic scale of 1 to 9 as well as Balanced Incomplete Block Design. Panelists who is representative the consumers (n=77) have been asked to evaluate the bakasang for its aroma, taste and overall liking. The more accepted product and less accepted product based on the consumer evaluation have been chosen. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA~ was conducted to assess sensory flavor characteristics of these products. The physicochemical and microbiological quality of the products were observed using thirteen parameters (viscosity, pH, aw, moisture content, salt content, total titratable acidity (TTA), free amino nitrogen (FAN), total volatile bases (TVB), total viable count (TVC), total lactic acid bacteria (T.LAB), total coliform, total presumptive Staphylococcus, total yeast and molds). The result of sensory evaluation showed that the more accepted product having stronger sulfury meaty, sweaty, overripe cheese, acid vinegar and ammonia odor comparing to the product with less acceptability. In the less accepted bakasang, the intenSity of salty, umami, sour, bitter taste, greasy mouthfeel, grainy mouthfeel and bitter aftertaste were stronger. The physicochemical quality have a significant influence on the sensory attributes. The microbiological quality showed that these products are safe for consumption. PCA result showed that viscosity, moisture content, salt content, TT A and FAN have a positive influence on the sensory flavor profile. Four partial least square regression (PLS-R) models were established for the relationship of 8 physicochemical quality to 12 attributes of sensory flavor profile. The 1 sl PLS-R (PLS2) model indicated that sour taste and aroma acid vinegar had a positive influence on pH and TTA. The 2nd model indicated that salty, umami, bitter and bitter aftertaste showed an excellent correlation to moisture content, aw, salt content and FAN. The 3rd model indicated that greasy and grain~ mouthfeel related to moisture content, aw, salt content and viscosity. The 4 model indicated that sulfury meaty, overripe cheese, sweaty and ammonia influenced by the moisture content, aw, salt content and TVB.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjecttraditional fennentationen
dc.subjectsensory flavor profileen
dc.subjectmicrobiological and physicochemical qualityen
dc.titleKetarkaitan Profil Sensori Flavor "Bakasang" dengan Karakteristik Mutu Fisiko-Kimla dan Mikrobiologien
dc.titleCorrelation between Sensory Flavor Profile of "Bakasang" with Its Physicochemical and Microbiological Quality.

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