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dc.contributor.authorWijaya, C. Hanny
dc.description.abstractNWlm<>g (Myristica sp.) is amilable in many types. Understanding aboat the chnracteristic a/each type of n'''''''eg, ho"-ever is limited. This open'mcM aim.! to gel b"lter information about the diffeT"f!l1ces between nutmegflUil in differeM numbers of types (accession) regllT"fling 10 their approprillle UlilizllIion. Th.- fro.,·t has bel'n analyzed for Ihldr physicQ-chemical ami flavor characteriSlic using quaM/tati"" and qualitali,,,, analysis. The res,dlS show thai different accession although both growth at th" Same are" and cl,m"t~ (anditlan gives different characteristic in physics and ilS chemical quality. According ro the sensory /!l'Olualion the aroma afnutmeg/ruit is described a.! acid. fresh. s .... eet. pungent, emd spicy, while Ihe tasre is acid. astringent. bitler, sour, and minty. Quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) using spider \l"l!b describes dominant aroma and raste from each numrcg accession. GC-MSD 0/ nulmeg volatiles of Bondo and Ihal af Ga)i rel'eales similar pal/em a/chromatogram but in iliffe, intensity. The biggest components in Banda and Gaji is aromatic compound Ihey are 31 .-14% and 4Q.90% ,espectlvely.en
dc.subjectsensory analysisen
dc.subjectvolatile compaunden
dc.titleKarakterjsasi Sifat Fisiko Kimia Dan Deskrjpsi Flavor Daging Buah Beberapa Aksesi Pala (Myristica Sp.)en
dc.title.alternative{Physico Chemical And Flavor Characterization Of Different Number (Accession) Of Nutmeg Fruit (Myristica Sp.)}en

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