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Study on the Effect of Sieving to the Physical Characteristics of Palm Kernel Cake and Coconut Cake.

dc.contributor.advisorHerawati, Lidy
dc.contributor.authorSitumorang, Harianto
dc.description.abstractThe physical properties of feedstuffs are important in the feed industry. Handling, processing and storage of the feedstuffs in the feed industry are not only need information about the chemical composition and nutritional value but also physical properties. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the physical properties of palm kernel cake and coconut cake based on the size of the sieve (screening) with a mesh number: 4 (4,76 mm), 8 (2,380 mm), 16 (1,0 mm), 30 (0,548 mm) , 50 (0,589 mm), and 100 (0,149 mm). The material used was the palm kernel cake and coconut cake as much as 50 kg each. The materials were sifted based on the largest sieve size (4,76 mm) to the smallest sieve size (0,149 mm). The Sifted products were measured for their bulk density, compacted bulk density, specific gravity, angle of repose and floating rate, total solubility and pH. Data from Split Plot Design were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and tested further using Smallest Real Difference (LSD). The relationship between Sieve size and the physical properties of the products was determined using regression analysis. The results showed that the sifting (screening), the type of feedstuffs and their interactions significantly (P <0,01) affected the physical properties of the products. The smaller the size of the sieve, the higher the value of angle and the lower the floating rate, compacted bulk density and specific gravity in the palm kernel cake and coconut cake. Unlike the coconut cake, the total value of the solubility of palm kernel cake increased and crude fiber content decreased with the smaller diameter hole sieve. There were close relationship between sieve size and physical properties of the sieve product. The density value of palm kernel cake was higher compared with that of coconut cake. It can be concluded that the physical characteristics of palm kernel cake were different from the physical characteristics of coconut cake. Palm kernel cake requires more accuracy in dosing, mixing and storage when compared with coconut cake.en
dc.description.abstractSifat fisik bahan pakan merupakan hal penting dalam industri pakan. Penanganan, pengolahan dan penyimpanan dalam industri pakan tidak hanya membutuhkan informasi tentang komposisi kimia dan nilai nutrisi akan tetapi juga sifat fisik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur dan membandingkan sifat fisik bungkil inti sawit dan bungkil kelapa berdasarkan ukuran ayakan (sieving) dengan nomor mesh : 4 (4,76 mm), 8 (2,380 mm), 16 (1,0 mm), 30 (0,548 mm), 50 (0,589 mm), dan 100 (0,149 mm). Bahan yang digunakan adalah bungkil inti sawit dan bungkil kelapa masing-masing sebanyak 50 kg kemudian diayak berjenjang berdasarkan ukuran ayakan terbesar (4,76 mm) ke ukuran ayakan terkecil (0,149 mm). Produk hasil ayakan diukur kerapatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan, berat jenis, sudut tumpukan, daya ambang, kelarutan total dan pH bahan. Data dari Rancangan Split Plot dianalisis ragamnya menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA) dan diuji lanjut menggunakan Beda Nyata Terkecil (LSD). Hubungan ukuran ayakan dengan sifat fisik produk hasil ayakan ditentukan menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengayakan (sieving) berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap sifat fisik bahan. Semakin kecil ukuran ayakan semakin meningkatkan nilai sudut tumpukan dan daya ambang dan semakin menurunkan kerapatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan dan berat jenis pada bungkil inti sawit dan bungkil kelapa. Berbeda dengan bungkil kelapa, nilai kelarutan total meningkat dan kandungan serat kasar menurun seiring dengan semakin kecil diameter lubang ayakan pada bungkil inti sawit. Koefisien korelasi bungkil inti sawit dan bungkil kelapa menunjukkan hubungan regresi linier yang erat antara ukuran ayakan dan sifat fisik produk hasil ayakan. Berat jenis yang tinggi pada bungkil inti sawit dan bungkil kelapa menunjukkan nilai kerapatan tumpukan dan kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan yang tinggi pada bungkil inti sawit dan bungkil kelapa. Selain itu, nilai berat jenis bungkil inti sawit lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan bungkil kelapa. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik fisik bungkil inti sawit berbeda dengan karakteristik fisik bungkil kelapa. Bungkil inti sawit lebih membutuhkan ketelitian dalam penakaran, pencampuran dan penyimpanan jika dibandingkan dengan bungkil kelapa.
dc.subjectpalm kernel cakeen
dc.subjectcoconut cakeen
dc.subjectphysic propertiesen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKajian Pengaruh Pengayakan terhadap Karakteristik Fisik Bungkil Inti Sawit dan Bungkil Kelapa.en
dc.titleStudy on the Effect of Sieving to the Physical Characteristics of Palm Kernel Cake and Coconut Cake.

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