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dc.contributor.advisorSunito, Melani Abdulkadir
dc.contributor.authorPurnamasarie, Mery
dc.description.abstractOilpalm is one of Indonesia’s agricultural commodities with rapid growth in the last two decades – annually size of plantation increased by 11% whereas production by 9.4%. One of the objective of oilpalm development is to generate employment opportunity – which is expected to be captured by community surrounding oilpalm plantation. This research is to describe and analyze employment opportunity by sectors (foodcrops-fisheries, plantation, secondary/manufacture, and tertiary/trade and services) and the internal and external factors that affect employment opportunity. Cimulang and Bantarsari are two villages in West Java with 75% of its area inside a state-owned plantation, which undergone conversion from rubber to oilpalm in the year 2000. The research is done on 4 hamlets of these villages differentiated by geographical location and transportation access into two (2) Kampung Dalam which are inside plantation-area and limited transportation access and two (2) Kampung Luar which most area are outside plantation and easy transportation access. The research indicated that all of the internal factors (gender, age, education, social status), affect employment opportunities. In general more men works in different sectors than women, and more workers (of young age group, higher education, and high social status) work in tertiary sector. Only a small percentage work in oilpalm plantation, and only those from Kampung Dalam, male, of medium age-group, with some education (Elementary, Junior High), and of poor social status. Of the external factors (access to information of job, access of transportation), access to information affect employment opportunities in secondary and tertiary sectors. As the difference of employment opportunity seems to be more based on location (Kampung Dalam or Kampung Luar), which is indicated by access to transportation, access of transportation is seen as mediating factor that affect both internal and external factors.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectemployment opportunity,en
dc.subjectvillage inside oilpalm plantationen
dc.subjectinternal and external factorsen
dc.titleFaktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesempatan kerja pada penduduk di desa dalam perkebunan kelapa sawit (kasus desa Cimulang dan desa Bantar Sari, kecamatan Rancabungur, kabupaten Bogor, provinsi Jawa Barat)en

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