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dc.contributor.advisorMugniesyah, Siti Sugiah
dc.contributor.authorSafitri, Laras Sirly
dc.description.abstractBy referring to the diffusion of innovation theory, this study found that the adoption rates of mobile phone among the adopters in the two hamlets are low; it is about 28 per cent and 17 per cent for Beber and Cikupa hamlets respectively. Although the mobile phone exposure of Kemang Village community started about 15 years ago, the majority of people in Kemang Village adopted the mobile phone since the Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) of XL and Telkomsel were constructed in this village, in 2008 and 2010 respectively. The plot result of mobile phone adopter of the two hamlets was in S Curve shape. On the other hand, as not all the mobile phone adopters of the two hamlets were surveyed, the mobile phone adopters’ categories are not in normal distribution. It caused the plot of adopters categories is not in Bell-shaped curve. Therefore, the distribution of the mobile phone adopter categories did not support the theory of adopters’ category as stated by Rogers and Shoemaker (1971). However, this study supported another Rogers and Shoemaker’s generalization with regard to the fact that the individual characteristic of innovator category is higher than that of the other adopters’ categories. There are each four independent variables which significantly related to the rate of innovativeness as well as adoption rates at the significance level of 0.05. The independent variables which related to innovativeness rate were the level of relative advantage, the individual integration level, the formal educational level and the level of individual need toward the mobile phone innovation, while for the adoption rate were the level of observability, the interpersonal communication individual level, the meeting frequency, and the promotion of mobile phone agency/seller. There were five of nine mobile phone use patterns which developed dominantly by the adopters in the two hamlets, especially phone call/text messages to: the nucleus family (22,67 per cent) peer group and the combination of peer group and business partner, and distance relatives (each 17,33 per cent), only distance relatives (16 per cent), as well as phone call/text messages to business partner only, and the combination of nucleus family and peer group (each 9,33 percent). It seems that this mobile phone use patterns caused the irrational over adoption of mobile pone is dominant, especially for those who used the mobile phone only for consumptive activities.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectMobile Phone Adoption Rate,en
dc.subjectMobile phone innovativeness Rateen
dc.subjectMobile phone adopter categoryen
dc.subjectmobile phone use patternen
dc.titleDifusi inovasi telepon seluler di perdesaan (kasus desa Kemang Bojongpicung, kabupaten Cianjur, provinsi Jawa Barat)en

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