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dc.contributor.authorSuwarno, Joko
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this experiment was to different the VFA and NH3 production of rumen and stomach capacity of local male sheep. This experiment had held on March until may 2008. This experiment used complete randomized design and descriptive with three treatments and three replication. Significant differences among treatments further tested with Duncant test. This research used 9 local ram with two dietary treatments included: 80% grass and 20% complete feed for two months (PI), 20% grass 80% complete feed for two months (P2), 20% grass and 80% complete feed for one months and 80% grass and 20% complete feed for one months (P3). This treatment have done in two months of study. The main goal of in this research is to discover the effect of not different feed ratio to VFA and NH3 production rumen, and stomach capacity local male sheep. The treatment give not effect to volatile fatty acid and NH3 local male sheep, the results showed that relative volume of total stomach and weights of tissue to empty body weight were not significantly differents, weights of tissue retikulu-rumen, omasum and abomasum.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectVFA parsial,en
dc.subjectdietary ratio,en
dc.subjectdry matter consumtion,en
dc.subjectstomach capacity.en
dc.titlePengaruh rasio pemberian pakan yang berbeda terhadap produksi VFA dan NH3 rumen serta kapasitas lambung domba lokal jantanen

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