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dc.contributor.authorNingsih, Diah Ayu
dc.description.abstractThis paper focuses on the effect of patron-client ties to the behavior of fishermen in marketing the catch: Case Tanjung Pasir Village, Teluknaga Subdistrict, Tangerang District, Banten Province. The purpose of this study is to: (1) identify the level of financial dependence in patron-client ties, (2) determine the behavior of fishermen in marketing the catch, and (3) analyze the influence of patron-client ties to the behavior of fishermen in the marketing of the catch. The results showed that: (1) there is a relationship between the level of fishers’ education and the level of their financial dependence on patron-client ties, (2) there is a relationship between the level of fishers’ income and the level of financial dependence on patron-client ties, (3) there is a relationship between the type of fishing gear and the level of financial dependence on patron-client ties, (4) there is a relationship between the level of financial dependence and the behavior of fishermen in marketing the catch, and (5) there is a relationship between the perceptions about fish auction place condition and the behavior of fishermen in marketing the catch.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectFinancial Dependence Levelsen
dc.subjectFish Auction Placeen
dc.subjectPatron- Client Tiesen
dc.titlePengaruh ikatan patron-klien terhadap perilaku nelayan dalam pemasaran hasil tangkapan (Kasus: Desa Tanjung Pasir, Kecamatan Teluknaga, Kabupaten Tangerang, Provinsi Banten)en

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