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dc.contributor.authorSolikhah, Siti Hadiatun
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted to study the effcct of beluntas leaf powder usage in the diet on performances (feed consumption. body weight gain, :eed conversion, water consumption) and cholesterol of the broilers. The research used 162 DOC (day old chicken) strain CP 707. The treatment diets were : R1 (commercial feed without beluntas leaf powder or vitastress). R2 (RI + virastress), R3 (commercial feed + 2% beluntas leaf powder). R4 (commercial feed + 4% beluntas leaf powder),'RS (commercial feed + 6% beluntas leaf powder) and R6 (commercial feed + 8% beluntas leaf powder). The data were analyzed using Analyses of Variance and any significant different were further tested usins Least Significant Difference. The results showed that the treatment diets significantly increased (P<0.01) final body weigh1 and body weight gain and significantly increased (PcO.05) feed consumption and water consumption . However, the treatment diet significantly decreased (P<0.01) feed covenion. Usage of 2?'o beluntas leaf powder gave the best performances i.e., 1,152 g/bird (final body weigh), 1,114g/bird (body weigh gain). 1,69 1 ghird (feed consumption), 1.44 (feed conversion) and A.617mlhird (water consumption). Usage of beluntas leaf powder decreased the cholesterol content of broiler's meat.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEvaluasi penambahan tepung daun beluntas (Pluchea indica L.) dalam ransum terhadap tampilan produksi ayam broiler pada kepadatan kandang yang tinggien

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