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dc.contributor.authorFachrudien, Afridha Adellia
dc.description.abstractThe object of this research is to compare the effect of vitamin C intake at numerous levels to apparent energy digestible of male and female indigenous guinea pig. The animals that used in this research are 18 indigenous male guinea pigs and 18 indigenous female guinea pigs. The average guiaea pig weight at the beginning of the research is around 250 to 500 gmms. The treatments are RO (complete ration without vitamin C adding), R1 (complete ratio with vitamin C 3 mg/animdday), R2 (complete ration with vitamin C 4 mglanimallday), R3 (complete ration with vitamin C 5 mglanimal/day), R4 (complete ration with vitamin C 6 mglanimalld~y) and RS (complete ration with vitamin C 7 mglanimallday). Research desiy used is Factorial Completely Randomize Design, with factor A as genitalia male and female and factor B as vitamin C intake level, which divided into 3 groups based on v.eight, high (450-500g), medium (350-450g) and low (250-350g). The result shows rnat vitamin C intake From 4 mglanimal/day to 7 mglanimallday can increase erergy cmsumption and do not effect fecei energy and digest coefficient of apparent energy of male and female guinea pig. Energy consumption and feces energy of male guinea pig is higher than the female, but the digest coefficient of apparent energy of female guinea pig is higher than the male. Besides that, there's no interaction behveen vitamin C intake level and the genitalia of guinea pig. From this research, we can conclude that 3 ,4, 5, 6 and 7 mglanimallday of vitamin C intake do not effect apparent energy digestible of .nale ;md female indigenous guinea pig.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKecernaan energi semu marmot (Cavia porcellus) jantan dan betina lokal pada berbagai level pemberian vitamin Cen

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