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dc.contributor.authorUlya, Azimatul
dc.description.abstractJatropha curcas L. is a leguminous tree belonging to Euphorbiaceaefamily. The plant is widely cultivated in Central and South America, Sout-Asia, India, and Africa. Waste of J. curcas L. oil processing is J. curcas meal that has potential use as protein source for ruminants. This is because J. curcas meal has high protein content (31-35%). However, it has negative effects due to the existence of curcin and fhorbolester antinutritions, lignin and also high in filter concentrations. Ruminants have the ability to degrade fiber diet, sepecially buffalo. There are also capable of adapting to antinutrition and toxin. This produces different effect on protect degradability, carbohydrate fermentation and microbial activity when using J. curcas meal.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKajian in vitro mikroba rumen berbagai ternak ruminansia dalam fermentasi bungkil biji jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.)en

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