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dc.contributor.authorPutri, Nur Irvany
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this study are to identify the implementation of organic farming, identify farmer’s perception about the characteristic of organic farming innovation, analyze the influence of farmer’s perception to their farming implementation, and also to analyze the influence of farmer’s characteristic to their perception about organic farming innovation. The unit of analysis in this study are individuals, such as, farmers who assumed to make rational decision before deciding to do farming activities. Population was all farmers in Ciburuy village. Study respondents are the owner and tenant farmers that selected by using simple random sampling. The conclusion of this studies are (1) Farmer’s positive perception has a tendency to higher percentage than farmer’s neutral perception of organic farming. This suggests that the implementation of organic farming was influenced by farmer’s perception. (2) In the broad-land area category, has a tendency to higher percentage than narrow-land area. This suggests that farmer’s perception about the characteristic of organic farming innovation was influenced by farmer’s broad-land area. (3) Farmers who dare to take a middle risks, has a tendency to neutral perception of organic farming innovation. This suggest that farmer’s perception about the characteristic of organic farming innovation was influenced by farmer’s courage to take a middle risks. (4) In innovative categories, farmer’s neutral perception has a tendency to higher percentage than less-innovative categories. This suggests that farmer’s perception about the characteristic of organic farming innovation was influenced by farmer’s innovativeness. (5) In farmer’s categories about highly exposed to information, has a tendency to higher percentage than exposed to information categories. This suggests that farmer’s perception about the characteristic of organic farming innovation was influenced by farmer’s ability to expose the information. (6) In farmer’s cosmopolite categories, has a tendency to higher percentage than farmer’s not cosmopolite categories. This suggests that farmer’s perception about the characteristic of organic farming innovation was influenced by farmer’s ability to live out from their birth place.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePenerapan Teknologi Pertanian Padi Organik Di Kampung Ciburuy, Desa Ciburuy, Kecamatan Cigombong, Kabupaten Bogoren

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